We often mention charities, resources and helpful companies that offer support during difficult moments in our lives. We thought having a list in one place would be helpful. Keep checking back, as we'll continue to add to it as we go along.
1. The Cinnamon Trust is a charity for people in their last years and their much loved companion animals.
They help provide important care for pets by fetching food, cleaning out cages, walking dogs and even fostering pets.
The Cinnamon Trust have a list of pet friendly care homes who will accept residents along with their pets. In addition they may take on the care of a bereaved pet.
2. MoodPanda lets you track and analyse your mood and get anonymous support from the MoodPanda community.
3. Sudden supports people after sudden death providing advice, information and guides to sudden bereavement and for carers.
4. Sands is the stillbirth and neonatal death charity who supports anyone affected by the death of a baby in the UK.
5. BEAD: Beareaved through Alcohol and Drugs is a source of information and support for anyone bereaved through drug or alcohol use.
6. Blue cross who amongst many things provide a pet bereavement and support service.
7. Child Bereavement UK support families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or dies.
8. WAY is a UK charity for people aged 50 and under when their partner passed away. It is a peer to peer support group who have been bereaved at a young age themselves.
9. Cruse Bereavement Care offer support, advice and information when someone dies.
10. Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide help to overcome the isolation experienced by people who have been bereaved by suicide.
Let us know if you reccomend a group that has helped you or someone you know and we can include them here.
Contact us at: hello@huunuu.com or on social media @huunuudotcom